Tall welcomes… The Time Lord

Hi, I’m Dan and I’m the new Senior Digital Project Manager here at Tall. The king of planning and keeper of time. My work superhero name would definitely be Time Lord (Doctor Who reference not intended).
A month already?
I know right, I can’t believe just how fast this first month has gone. The days seem to fly by and it’s not just myself that says that every member of the team mentions it at least a few times a week.
What have you learnt?
As is the case with this role, you can’t often be busy off the mark but I was thrown in at the deep end and tasked with learning Tall’s new management software. It has a magnitude of functionality but the scheduling side of things had been left untouched until my arrival. It’s quite a complex beast which has just about been tamed. The proof is in the pudding, the system is making the workload much more visible for all those involved which makes scheduling much easier when things need to be squeezed in now and again.
What didn’t you expect?
To have a Rola Wala (Indian burrito) for lunch four Friday’s on the bounce. They’re just so good! Ohh and the Mario Kart battles on a Friday on the Nintendo Switch. Turns out I’m pretty good at that.
Also, my reading budget has gone through the roof. I’m new to the train commute and whilst it’s relatively short (30 minutes), I’m currently doing a book every two weeks. Which has dramatically increased from my two or three per year.
What about the team?
Couldn’t be better, everyone has been very welcoming and made me feel at home as an integral part of the team.
It’s great to be working such a hard-working team that are tirelessly pushing themselves to be the very best, it certainly drives me to do better and learn new methodologies and techniques to make things run smoother.
Do you have any quirks?
I have a strange sort of OCD that has logic. An example is not being able to have the volume on an odd number unless it’s halfway between 10 and 20 (15) or 30 and 40 (35) etc because that number is halfway between the two. Go figure.