Enhance the performance of your website with CloudFlare

Earlier this year we announced our acquisition of fellow Yorkshire based agency – 79. Bringing onboard their technical expertise has meant that we can improve all aspects of our digital operations which ultimately results in us providing better and more robust hosting related services to our clients – amongst other things of course.

Following on from this and as part of our continued programme of operational and performance-related improvements since the acquisition we’d like to announce our partnership with CloudFlare, if you don’t know what CloudFlare is and you aren’t using it on your website, here are 4 reasons why you should:

1. Increase in website performance

We use the best quality hardware and network available, so naturally, our web hosting is already fast… But CloudFlare provides an increase in website performance through their global CDN (Content Delivery Network). When enabled, the CDN will automatically cache your static files (JavaScript, CSS, Images, etc.) on their servers located across strategic data centres around the world. When a visitor visits your website, CloudFlare’s Anycast technology will load those static files from a server located nearest to the visitor and your dynamic content will load from our servers. This results in faster load times due to decreased latency between the server and visitor. Through feedback from clients, we’ve seen increases of 30% or more on website performance when CloudFlare is implemented.

2. Built-in security

Security is a big focus here at Tall. We do everything to ensure our servers and client websites are secure from a server standpoint, but most website defacement occurs due to vulnerabilities in website code. With CloudFlare, you are protected against a range of threats: cross-site scripting, SQL injection, comment spam, excessive bot crawling, email harvesters, and more. This is done automatically and will stop most attacks without the confusing configurations that are required with other security plugins and tools. CloudFlare can even learn about your traffic patterns and adjust its security on the fly. We recently designed, built and hosted the Leeds Digital Festival website and CloudFlare stopped over 4,500 threats in just one week.

3. Full managed implementation

It’s dead easy to implement, that’s because our team do it for you as part of our hosting service and we continually optimise the configuration under our Service Level Agreements. We don’t just design and build beautiful digital experiences, we work very hard to ensure they’re both secure and fast at the same time.

4. It’s free!

The basic service which will satisfy most websites costs nada, nothing, zilch! A bit of a no-brainer right? We do however recommend that our clients opt for the “Pro” service which provides access to their wonderful image optimisation facility – Polish.

If you’re not using CloudFlare, we strongly recommend that you do. A faster and more secure website helps with search engine rankings and really, your customers will have a much better experience on your website. If you’d like to know more about CloudFlare don’t hesitate to contact us on 0113 243 0051, we’d be more than happy to tell you all about it.
