Creative Director’s top 5 projects of 2019

Sorted Digital Branding
When this Manchester-based tech distributor asked us to help them take their existing brand and apply a digital-first approach to it I had to stop myself from dropping everything and jumping on the first train to get cracking!
Once the initial excitement had calmed down and my brain had stopped trying to conceive ideas for a new, digital Sorted I then realised that whilst we had done lots of digital-first branding exercises in the past, this one, in particular, was a great example for us to show off what we knew and what could do.
The project did not disappoint. The digital branding was rolled out within 3 months of starting to the project and within days made a positive impact on the consistency of the companies marketing collateral both internally and externally. One of the Sorted directors even commented on how ‘Grown Up’ the brand felt as a result of the exercise.
Certainly, one to remember. Have a peek at what we achieved, here.
Absolute website
Ink doctoring systems and anilox rollers…
I know, I can almost hear the screams of excitement whilst reading that.
While admittedly it’s not the most exciting topic, they are the most innovative in their sector (a little Tesla of the printing industry) and they asked us to help them challenge the market. It was time to put Absolute at the head of the game in the digital space… so we did just that.
By now we’re very comfortable with the task of explaining the benefits and showing features of products in a digital space, even when some are complex or even just a little uninspiring to some.
Interactive 3D visualisations, visual tools to showcase business advantages and epic animations to show off the innovative new products available.
I’ll pre-warn you, animating and rendering paint in 3D is pretty intensive, both creatively and for the computers.
However, It was all wrapped up in a pretty damn nice site if I do say so myself. So much, in fact, it’s made this list!
If you’d like to know more about the project then look no further than our case study!
FEI World Cup – global Campaign
I can’t really recall many occasions throughout 2019 I’ve said, “let’s get cracking with that global campaign”.
This campaign, for the 2019 Longines FEI Jumping World Cup™ was the second campaign of this scale that we’ve created for the FEI. A pretty broad area of digital touchpoints to cover with an enhanced visual brand identity to lead it.
It was one of those occasions where we had to take a deep breath and just get stuck in. It was also, lucky for us, as with a lot of projects, this had a fairly tight deadline.
Nevertheless, this was one of the more enjoyable projects, with a few challenges along the way, including our first Equestrian show jump design.
You can find out how we tackled some of these pretty unique executions, here.
YBS Scenarios animations
This was a particularly interesting one, to say the least! Whilst I can’t go into the details of the individual stories, I expect you may end up getting the gist of the project.
The Yorkshire Building Society asked us to help communicate some real-life scenarios that had happened within the business (both good and not so good) so they could be used to better educate their employees on how to handle similar types of situations in the future.
The stories really ranged in tone. Some were awkward, some were endearing and some were sad, but the concept itself was a great idea and the results even better.
The final animations really inspired the internal team to always aim to be at their best, no matter the situation. This for me is why I think this project, in particular, has been one of the more rewarding this year.
Pulse explanatory animations
Every now and then I walk away from a new biz meeting thinking, “boy this one is going to be a pretty tough one to get our heads around”; the Pulse explanatory animations was definitely one of these.
A company that uses a mixture of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence to protect the world from cyber terrorism and predators is never going to be straight forward.
Nevertheless, once we’d worked out how to represent harmful content, platforms and networks, we then needed to make sure we explained both the problem and the solution clearly. This was done by creating a carefully curated script whilst bringing it alive with a serious and fairly dramatic look and feel.
The challenge was accepted and we enjoyed delivering it.
Take a look at the finished project here.